Thursday, October 20, 2011


Ya know how when you go to Jamba Juice you can get energy or immunity???
Well kids I have an even better boost option for you.
It's called 4th graders.

I did my practicum in a 4th grade class.  When I left, the kids gave me letters and I will tell you what.....they are amazing!!!!!

I know this may be boring for you to read....but deal with it....or don' have your agency.  :)

To: Mrs. Becoret.
Thank you for your help we will miss you.  we wish that you could stay but you have to go.  Thank you for you helping me. Now you have to leve. Now it's goodbye.

Dear Ms. Beckert
We all are gonna miss you.  Good job teaching little rascels and the other one (me.) My favorite thing was the story when I was the old lady.  Besides I am an old Lady anyways.  We are your youngest pals.
ps Nice job putting up with me.  Nice job.

and my personal favorite.....

Dear Miss Beckert,
Thank you for everything you have done.  You are the greatest person in the whole intire world.  I wish you could stay.
P.S. Make sure the rest of your life is exciting and you have more adventures.  If your a student teacher again make sure the kids like you as much as I did.  Hope you have the best day ever in your whole intire life.
Make sure everyone of the people in your school know how awesome you are every single day.  You are the best student teacher and pearson in the whole wide world.  Again thank you for everything you have done like grade our papers, help us if we get stuck on a problem, your patient and your the best pearson in the world.  Make sure every human being knows that you are awesome and the best pearson in the world.  And remember to stay happy the rest of your life.

There ya go.
That was better than an energy :)

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